Discovery on Discovery

October 31st, 2022|Categories: Featured On-Demand, HB Tort Notes, Tort Litigation, Tort Webinars|Tags: , , , , |

Discovery on Discovery: Disputes About a Litigant's Efforts to Search for, Locate, Preserve, and Collect Responsive ESI Much is written about the expectation of cooperation between parties in litigation. And while cooperation is required in the discovery context, litigants have no transparency requirement on how they respond to discovery requests. Counsel should be vigilant in recognizing improper attempts by another party to extend the concept of discovery by demanding transparency.Most courts will not permit discovery on discovery in the absence of a showing that the responding party acted in bad faith or unlawfully withheld documents. Indeed, courts have routinely denied requests for discovery on discovery based on the requesting party's "mere speculation" that the responding party has acted improperly in responding to discovery.A requesting party may support a request for discovery on discovery by demonstrating an adequate factual basis, including inconsistencies with the responding party's production, deposition testimony establishing the failure of a party to implement a litigation hold promptly, and the absence of documents from key custodians and date ranges in a discovery production.Listen as this experienced panel of litigators addresses discovery on discovery and discusses how to prevent discovery on discovery from derailing the merits of the case, as well as the offensive use of discovery on discovery in potential motions for sanctions under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37(e) or state [...]

Safeguarding Against Financial Exploitation

October 28th, 2022|Categories: Featured On-Demand, HB Emerging Law Notes, HB Risk Notes, Risk-On-Demand-CLE|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

An on-demand CLE-eligible webinar Safeguarding Against Financial Exploitation   America’s senior population is growing. Nearly one in five U.S. residents will be 65 or older in 2030. Which means the average age of U.S. investors is climbing too. With that comes the risk that they will be exploited by people with access – or gain access through nefarious methods – to their investment portfolio. Seniors and vulnerable persons lose billions of dollars each year. Remarkably, 90% of the people to take advantage of senior investors are members of their own family. Attorneys who represent senior clients need to know the signs of vulnerability, red flags that their clients are being exploited, what laws apply, and rules lawyers must follow in these matters.   Questions our speakers answer: What is senior / vulnerable investor exploitation?   Who is protected by state and federal laws?   How prevalent is senior financial exploitation? What do the numbers tell us?  What is the pace of financial abuse SAR filings by securities firms?  What are the most popular scams?   What is diminished capacity?  What are the red flags indicating possible exploitation?  What are the laws, rules, and regulations governing law firms?  What are some best practices for law firms?  How can firms best protect their senior clients?   On Demand CLE Webinar [...]

PTSD in Mass Torts & Multi-Plaintiff Cases. What attorneys need to know.

August 19th, 2022|Categories: Featured On-Demand, Torts-On-Demand-CLE|Tags: , , , , , |

PTSD in mass tort and multi-plaintiff cases. What attorneys need to know. Mass tort claims arise most frequently in man-made and natural disaster catastrophe litigation as well as personal injury, employment, product liability and toxic tort litigation. Frequently, these lawsuits include either primary or secondary allegations of emotional distress. PTSD is one of the most common emotional distress claims alleged within mass tort litigation, as well as allegations of depression and emotional stress (anxiety).  Join an experienced psychiatrist and psychologist who will cover topics relevant to the forensic psychiatric assessment of emotional damages within mass tort and complex litigation.   Agenda Introduction: Defining PTSD. What it is and what it is not. The methodological approach to assessing allegations of emotional distress in mass tort & complex litigation. The importance and the methodology of psychological testing as part of the assessment of emotional distress claims in mass tort litigation. Claimant population screening. Using psychological test instruments to differentiate claimants who require in-depth forensic psychiatric assessment from claimants who do not.  Are all psych tests the same? Types of psychological test instruments we recommend and ones that we do not — and why.   So-called “PTSD Tests.†Do they have a role in forensic psychological assessments? Accuracy and reliability of conclusions derived from psychological test data. Taking a “team approach†to emotional distress claim [...]

Epiq Class Action Settlement Efficiency

August 19th, 2022|Categories: Emerging-On-Demand-CLE, Featured On-Demand, Risk-On-Demand-CLE, Torts-On-Demand-CLE|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Epiq presents a CLE-eligible webinar Wait Wait ... Don't Settle! Essential elements of effective class action settlements. When it comes to complex class action litigation, once the hard work is done – litigation and settlement – more hard work begins – administering it.  But is the deal really ready? After years of arduous proceedings, discovery, motions, appeals, hearings, negotiations, and more, the scope and structure of your settlement has been drafted. Everyone is in agreement. The hard work of the courts, the attorneys, the legal teams, and the litigants is complete. Now it's time to administer the settlement. Send out notices. Cut the checks. Get people paid. Boom! Sit back and relax. Get a claims administrator to take it from there. But wait … you find out that the terms of the agreement, the promises made, the budget established, and the deadlines calendared are not only inefficient, they are completely unworkable. Now the settlement is in jeopardy. The clients are frustrated. The court is frustrated. And you have a headache. That is a situation you, as a class action attorney, never want to find yourself in. The best way to avoid this quagmire is for attorneys to work with a professional and experienced claims administrator before you agree on settlement terms, someone who has been to this rodeo [...]

Sexual Abuse Litigation and Insurance Coverage

August 19th, 2022|Categories: Emerging Issues Webinars, Featured On-Demand, New Webinars, Tort Webinars|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Insurance Coverage for Sexual Abuse Claims  Strategies | Response | Insurance Archeology CLE OnDemand Webinar Sexual abuse claims – such as those involving the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America – have resulted in verdicts and settlements in the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. The Catholic church alone has paid billions to resolve claims. Verdicts in cases involving adult victims are typically lower than those involving children and teens. A December 2021 $44 million verdict to a Texas woman who was raped at a Hilton Hotel in Houston could signal that juries may be more open to larger awards in such cases. While rapists and abusers face accountability under criminal law (and sometimes under civil law as well), businesses and institutions of all shapes and sizes are increasingly finding themselves confronting claims that they bear some of the responsibility for instances of sexual molestation, abuse and harassment. Several standard types of liability insurance provide coverage for such claims. In this webinar the panel discusses the elements of this coverage and the sensitive aspects of such claims. If you answer yes to any of these questions, this webinar is for you:  Is your organization or your clients at risk of facing sexual abuse accusations? Would your organization [...]

Lien Resolution: Government & Private Plans Get Aggressive (Against Attorneys)

August 19th, 2022|Categories: Featured On-Demand, Torts-On-Demand-CLE|Tags: , , |

Includes Nearly 75 minutes of insights from experienced professionals. CLE credit: 1+ (subject to bar rules). For CLE questions: The complete Power Point presentation. Continued access to the complete recording for later use. Answers to your questions via email to the presenters or write to HB and we will be sure to contact the speakers. What can you do to settle personal injury suits cleanly and avoid costly litigation and penalties? What recent cases can inform you about protecting your settlements and, as attorneys, yourselves, from post-settlement federal lawsuits? How can your firm set itself up to meet government expectations? What role might experts play in navigating these pitfalls? Medicare Advantage (42 USC § 1395w-22) Federal Medical Care Recovery Act (FMCRA) (42 USC § 2651) Armed Forces Act (10 USC §1095) Veterans’ Benefits (38 USC §1729) Third-Party Collection Rules (32 CFR 537.24; 38 CFR 17.101, etc.) Set-Asides under the Medicare Secondary Payer Act (42 USC § 1395y(b)(2)] On Demand Registration Lien Resolution Government & Private Plans Get Aggressive (Against Attorneys!) On Demand | Recorded September 2020 It is increasingly common these days. Personal injury attorneys settle a case, only to find themselves sued by a U.S. Attorney for failing to reimburse Medicare for conditional payments as required by the [...]

The Trajectory of Remote eDiscovery Review in 2022

November 12th, 2021|Categories: Featured On-Demand, New Webinars, Tort Webinars|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Epiq presents a CLE-eligible webinar The Trajectory of Remote eDiscovery in 2022 Practical guidelines for planning the eDiscovery program for your firm or legal department based on the latest insights. Join legal industry analyst Ari Kaplan, Eric Crawley, Epiq’s managing director for global advanced solutions, Seth Eichenholtz, Director of eDiscovery at Mastercard, and Lora Ramsey, eDiscovery Manager at Walmart for a discussion about the current state of electronic discovery within corporate legal departments and the future of remote options in a post-pandemic environment. Kaplan will reveal – and the panel will discuss – findings from the Epiq-commissioned report based on the perspectives of 30 leading corporate legal eDiscovery professionals about the challenges, tactics, and best practices fueling change in this sector. Eighty-seven percent of the respondents reported that they handle some document review processes with support from their outside counsel. Sixty-three percent also utilize alternative legal services providers (ALSPs). With the near-universal deployment of remote reviewers during the pandemic, only 10 percent of the respondents reported seeing disadvantages. For many organizations, the document review process involves a combination of resources and is often driven by cost and risk. One respondent told us: “We want the lowest cost resource that offers the highest quality work, which is not always the outside law firm.†[...]

Digital Payments in Class Administration

September 9th, 2021|Categories: HB Risk Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Epiq presents DIGITAL PAYMENTS Best Practices for Efficiency in Class Actions Recorded: Sept. 23, 2020 75 minutes CLE credit: 1+ Registration includes recording, materials, and answers to your questions. TAKE IT NOW! Epiq presents a CLE-eligible webinar Digital Payments Best Practices for Efficiency in Class Actions Recorded Live | Sept. 23, 2020 produced by HB Litigation Conferences Modern life increasingly relies on digital solutions. Nothing has made that more apparent than the novel coronavirus pandemic. In terms of class action settlement payments, the impetus has never been greater to transition to the e-payment realm for security, convenience, cost-reduction, and improved fund disbursement. Class counsel and claims administrators have experimented for years with pre-paid debit cards, automated clearing house (ACH) deposits, and wire transfers, while others have tested judicial appetites for registered-user payment systems like PayPal and Venmo. However, digital payment schemes with multiple options -- the primary of which is direct deposit -- seem to be emerging as the favored solution. Though class action notice is increasingly being digitized, aided by the 2018 amendments to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure, particularly Rule 23(c)(2)(B), which permits notice by electronic means like emails and digital and social media, payment itself has lagged behind. Even with these challenges, electronic payment distribution is now a viable option. Courts are [...]

Women in Law

January 15th, 2021|Categories: HB Risk Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Western Alliance Bank presents a CLE-eligible webinar Women in Law Becoming the Master of Your Career According to the National Association of Women Lawyers, there has been a "sustained (albeit small) improvement for women amongst equity partners since the survey’s inception in 2006 (15% compared to 19% - 21% in recent years)." "This is a positive trend toward a more representative legal profession, but change at this glacial pace will continue to result in future generations of lawyers entering a profession where women and diverse attorneys are underrepresented in positions of power and influence. A continued, rigorous examination of and changes to existing practices – a movement from talk to action – is needed to speed progress in a meaningful way for women and other underrepresented groups." As women work to advance their careers amid these market and social realities, there is much they can do on their own initiative to navigate their career in a manner that -- over time -- will meet or exceed their professional and personal objectives. We are fortunate two extraordinary women professionals have agreed to share a wealth of insights, tactics and strategies they employed to steadily rise through the ranks of their respective professions. Mary Beth Foley is General Counsel of Ohio Police and Fire Fund, and President of the [...]

The Antitrust Case Against Google

October 30th, 2020|Categories: Emerging Issues Webinars, Emerging Litigation & Risk, Emerging-On-Demand-CLE, HB Emerging Law Notes, Risk-On-Demand-CLE|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The Antitrust Case Against Google Perspectives from highly regarded competition law attorneys, litigators, and economists. This overview and Q&A has been developed for advertisers, mobile device makers, app developers,corporate counsel, business writers, and search market participants. The U.S. Department of Justice and 11 states have filed a sweeping antitrust suit against Google alleging the tech giant  abuses its position as "monopoly gatekeeper for the internet" to block competitors. The complaint says Google has used anticompetitive tactics to maintain and extend its monopolies in the markets for general search services, search advertising, and general search text advertising. The federal and state governments charge Google uses "exclusionary agreements, including tying arrangements" to "lock up distribution channels and block rivals." Google's considerable wealth helps make this happen. Google pays billions of dollars a year to distributors to secure their position as the default search engine, and prohibits these companies from dealing with Google competitors. Google's exclusionary strategy is being applied more harshly in newer technologies, such as voice assistants, and in its goal of dominating other platforms in the IoT category, such as smart speakers, home appliances, and autonomous cars. Without a court order, the government plaintiffs say, "Google will continue executing its anticompetitive strategy, crippling the competitive process, reducing consumer choice, and stifling competition." What does all of this mean to [...]

Mass Tort Emotional & Psychological Claims

October 27th, 2020|Categories: Featured On-Demand, Torts-On-Demand-CLE|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Emotional & Psychological Claims in Multi-Plaintiff Toxic Tort Litigation: What attorneys need to know about the scientific and medical aspects of these injuries.  On-Demand | Recorded October 27th, 2020 ON DEMAND WEBINAR REGISTRATION Emotional injury claims often arise in toxic torts due to exposure to asbestos, mold, carbon monoxide, and environmental contamination, to name a few. And now, as large swaths of the nation are often engulfed in flame, what physical and emotional effect might manifest from prolonged smoke inhalation? Determining the validity of these injuries and any causal connection is difficult. It requires careful study by truly qualified experts often from various disciplines. When psychological harm exists, it can be debilitating. There is much an attorney should know when wading into these types of claims. How often is there a legitimate injury? What different types of injuries are there? What should attorneys know when working with or challenging psychological experts? How is causation proven or disproven? How are damages determined? Join our panel comprising a forensic neuropsychologist, an industrial and occupational physician, a forensic psychiatrist, and an experienced mass tort practitioner as they share their insights and experiences. Key Points Understanding the different types of psychological injury claims. Understanding the differences between objective injuries that are easy to identify and distinguish, versus subjective injuries such [...]

Cryptocurrency Article and Webinar

September 23rd, 2020|Categories: HB Emerging Law Notes, HB Risk Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Cryptocurrency: The Good, The Bad, and the Tricky According to a recent Visual Capitalist article, there are now more than 5,000 cryptocurrencies in circulation, fueling an exploding $200 billion industry. Clearly it is a boom time for virtual asset service providers, or VASPs, like cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers. Despite its notoriety, mystique still surrounds cryptocurrency, from its use of blockchain technology, to the benefits and weaknesses of trading decentralized money, to national security implications. With crypto’s rise comes global implications. Its use often makes its way into headlines about criminal activity, such as the recent arrest of a 19-year-old and his friends for their alleged roles in a highly publicized Twitter hack. Forensic tools are in a constant state of development. For example, blockchain analysis tools assisted investigators in quickly identifying the young Twitter hackers, according to a post on the CipherTrace blog. Two Sides of the Digital Coin. There are many upsides to cryptocurrency. Transactions are secure without bank oversight. They can be processed at any time, not just during business hours. It has purchase power anywhere. Finally, cryptocurrency may provide greater benefit to developing countries where the local currency may swing due to exchange rate instability. In such countries, and where many citizens may be unbanked, supplanting traditional coinage with cryptocurrency could stabilize finance and open its doors to many. With crypto’s rise comes global implications. Shortcomings [...]