PTSD in Mass Torts & Multi-Plaintiff Cases. What attorneys need to know.

August 19th, 2022|Categories: Featured On-Demand, Torts-On-Demand-CLE|Tags: , , , , , |

PTSD in mass tort and multi-plaintiff cases. What attorneys need to know. Mass tort claims arise most frequently in man-made and natural disaster catastrophe litigation as well as personal injury, employment, product liability and toxic tort litigation. Frequently, these lawsuits include either primary or secondary allegations of emotional distress. PTSD is one of the most common emotional distress claims alleged within mass tort litigation, as well as allegations of depression and emotional stress (anxiety).  Join an experienced psychiatrist and psychologist who will cover topics relevant to the forensic psychiatric assessment of emotional damages within mass tort and complex litigation.   Agenda Introduction: Defining PTSD. What it is and what it is not. The methodological approach to assessing allegations of emotional distress in mass tort & complex litigation. The importance and the methodology of psychological testing as part of the assessment of emotional distress [...]

Facial Recognition: How It Works and How It Doesn’t

January 14th, 2021|Categories: HB Emerging Law Notes, HB Risk Notes|Tags: , , , , |

Debbie Reynolds Founder, CEO & CDPO Debbie Reynolds Consulting Website Martin T. Tully Founding Partner Actuate Law Website Facial Recognition: Benefits & Risks Editor's Note: Imagine how great technology would be if it weren't for people. Since the beginning of time man has developed remarkable solutions to common problems. But leave it to nefarious, despicable, criminal or just plain dumb people to ruin them for the rest of us. You know, like gun powder, nuclear power, and the internet. Facial recognition programs and collection of biometric data would appear to have more benefits than risks, but those risks are there. As use of the technology proliferates we can expect more litigation as additional states follow Illinois -- the first to enact a state Biometric Information Privacy Act. Martin T. Tully of Actuate Law LLC and Debbie Reynolds of Debbie [...]

Facial Recognition Update July 2020

July 17th, 2020|Categories: Emerging Litigation & Risk, HB Emerging Law Notes|Tags: , , |

Facial Recognition Technology -- Emerging After Decades of Development -- Draws Lawsuits and Proposed Bans  We sometimes forget that not all of the technical wizards who transformed our world were young “geniuses” jacked up on Starbucks, their shirttails hanging out in the ping-pong section of their open concept offices. Woody Bledsoe was born 99 years ago. As a young son of a sharecropper he demonstrated exceptional mathematical capabilities. Early in his career he had a dream: A machine that could think like a human, converse like one, and even recognize faces. This was as far back as the 1950s. This mathematician and computer scientist would go on to teach for decades at the University of Austin where he worked to advance automated reasoning and artificial intelligence. But what was his role in the development of the technology exactly? Did he perform work for a CIA front? And why, in [...]

Brian Higgins’ A.I. Law Blog: Will Facebook Facial Recognition Case be a Referendum on A.I.?

June 5th, 2018|Categories: HB Risk Notes|Tags: , , |

When most of us upload our selfies and photo bombs to the web, and some do it more than is healthy and way more than is desired --  also, please stop -- we have no idea how much is going on. You might think it's just you photo-bombing a beer bottle, but what exactly happens after that depends on who you ask. One thing is for sure: it's more technical than most of us will grasp or ever want to. Another thing is for sure: the answer could mean millions or even billions of dollars. Is your goofball face being "scanned"? Are the pixels being examined or is some technological magic wand measuring the distance between your eyeballs? And what's being done with that information? Do you know? Do you care? In his blog, "engineer turned attorney" Brian Higgins dives into the questions as being posed in the Facebook [...]

Class Actions Weekly Roundup from Top Class Actions

March 31st, 2018|Categories: HB Tort Notes|Tags: , , , , , |

This roundup is prepared exclusively for HB Litigation Conferences by: Walmart Class Action Claims Glucosamine Tablets are Mislabeled Walmart has been hit with a class action lawsuit claiming that their store brand glucosamine tablets are mislabeled. Plaintiffs Cynthia Parker, Reba Garth, Margaret Herrin, and Shirley Reinhard allege that Walmart misrepresents its store-brand glucosamine sulfate dietary… Read More Sorin 3T Heater Cooler Lawsuit Alleges Serious M. Chimaera Bacterial Infection An Indiana man has filed a Sorin 3T heater cooler lawsuit against LivaNova PLC, alleging their cardiac heater cooler device had caused him to develop a potentially fatal infection. The claimant filed the Sorin 3T heater cooler… Read More Coca-Cola Seeks Dismissal of Diet Coke Class Action Lawsuit Coca-Cola asked a New York federal court to toss a class action lawsuit alleging the company’s use of the name “Diet Coke” is misleading. The company argues that claims against its use of the word “diet” [...]

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