The Awesome Potential of Advanced Dispute Resolution

December 22nd, 2023|Categories: ELP|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this episode we talk to Rich Lee, founder of New Era ADR, about hot topics and issues involving what is referred to here as "Advanced Dispute Resolution", or ADR. What are the benefits of ADR? How can ADR enhance Access to Justice? How does employing ADR impact Accessibility, Diversity, and the Environment? What is the influence of Gamesmanship in legal proceedings? As Rich explains, "ADR is about rethinking litigation to make it more efficient for both sides. Get parties to be pragmatic, get to the point, present their arguments, and get it resolved". Listen now to learn more!

Overconfidence: A Risky but Pervasive Phenomenon in Litigated Disputes

April 8th, 2022|Categories: Emerging Litigation & Risk, HB Emerging Law Notes, HB Tort Notes, Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation, New Featured Post for Home Page, Tort Litigation|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The Author Jeff Trueman ( is an experienced, full-time mediator and arbitrator. He helps parties resolve a wide variety of litigated and pre-suit disputes and interpersonal problems concerning catastrophic injuries, wrongful death, professional malpractice, employment, business dissolution, real property, and domestic relations. Jeff is a past Director of Dispute Resolution for the Circuit Court for Baltimore City where he oversaw over 70 retired judges and senior attorneys conducting over 1,500 mediations, settlement conferences, and neutral evaluations per year. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, an invitation-only membership organization consisting of some of the most successful commercial mediators in the world. Interviews with leading attorneys and other subject matter experts on new twists in the law and how the law is responding to new twists in the world. Overconfidence: A Risky but Pervasive Phenomenon in Litigated Disputes “Lady Justice symbolizes fairness and impartiality as she oversees the adjudication process. Although she may hold the scales of justice in one hand, she also carries a large sword in her other hand. And she’s blindfolded. Knowing that, how confident should you be?â€Â  Abstract: “Overconfidence†may have negative connotations, but it can be beneficial in competitive situations like litigation where parties compete for resources. Nonetheless, posturing and overconfidence of [...]

Agenda: ECIcon16

October 15th, 1957|Categories: HB Risk Notes|Tags: , , , |

FREE to a limited number of in-house counsel and risk managers. Thanks to our sponsors! Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016 Welcome Reception at the JAMS Los Angeles Mediation Center 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Please join us for a welcome reception the evening before the conference, from 6-8 pm on Wednesday, Feb. 24, at the JAMS Los Angeles Mediation Center located at 555 West Fifth St. (Gas Company Tower), 32nd Floor. It is a 7-minute walk from the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Click here for more location details. Please RSVP by Friday Feb. 19 to If you are traveling with a spouse or partner, please include them in the RSVP. Agenda Day One | Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 Registration & Breakfast 7:30 a.m. Opening Remarks 8:45 a.m. Linda Bondi Morrison Tressler LLP | Elizabeth Hanke KCIC | Scott Godes Barnes & Thornburg LLP Cyber Liability Coverage: You Say Yes, I Say No 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Where coverage is being sought in non-cyber insurance policies | Update on the state of the law in this emerging area of risk and coverage | Policy form developments regarding coverage under CGL, Crime, Errors & Omissions, Directors & Officers & Property policies Scott Godes Barnes & Thornburg LLP | Richard Bortnick Traub Lieberman Straus & Shrewsberry LLP | Linda Kornfeld  Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP | Laurie A. Kamaiko Sedgwick LLP | Jacqueline Urban Aon Risk Solutions [...]