“When it comes to hemp, few states have embraced it like Colorado,” writes Harris Bricken attorney Daniel Shortt. “If you buy a product containing hemp, in any state across the country, it likely came from Colorado.” The state has allocated more than 12,000 acres of outdoor space and 2.35 million square feet of indoor space to hemp cultivation, according to Marijuana Business Daily.

Shortt and his colleagues are working their way through a state-by-state series on the Canna Law Blog™, titled Hemp-CBD Across State Lines. The Harris Bricken team has covered Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas and California, and added Colorado to the list yesterday, July 21.

The firm’s series covers state regulatory activity following the enactment of the federal Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, aka “The Farm Bill,” which removed hemp and its derivatives from the definition of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act. The bill gave the USDA regulatory authority over hemp cultivation at the federal level, but states may maintain primary regulatory authority over the crop cultivated within their borders by submitting a plan to the USDA, Shortt explains.

Read the Canna Law Blog’s Colorado post and follow this series, updated weekly.

Related Webinar This Week

The Harris Bricken law firm has been on the forefront of the law regarding cannabis and related products for years. Three Harris Bricken attorneys, Daniel Shortt, Nathalie Bougenies, and Griffen Thorne — plus Anastasia Gilmartin, General Counsel at CBD product maker OLEO Inc. — will discuss how the legal landscape of hemp-derived CBD is affecting various stakeholders.

They will:

+ Discuss both the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills
+ Analyze the FDA’s position on products containing hemp and/or CBD (including food, beverages, cosmetics, dietary supplements, drugs, and smokeable products)
+ Provide an overview of state laws
+ Share insights on where this industry is headed
+ Answer your questions via live chat

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