Forever Chemicals: Insurance Recoveries for PFAS Liabilities

March 26th, 2025|Categories: Class Actions, CLE Webinar, New Webinars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Take this CLE webinar and gain a better understanding of the evolving legal, regulatory, and insurance landscape surrounding PFAS ("forever chemicals") and their growing impact on businesses and insurers. We feature experienced insurance recovery attorneys Bob Horkovich and Cameron Argetsinger and environmental experts Arthur J. Clarke and Walker Prentke from J.S. Held. Take it now or when you're ready. It's on demand!

Wildfire Insurance Coverage for Homeowners and Businesses with Anderson Kill

January 21st, 2025|Categories: ELP, Emerging Litigation & Risk, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The horrific wildfires unleashing carnage in Southern California underscore the need for reliable insurance protection both for businesses and homeowners. In this episode, three seasoned attorneys discuss the types of damages and losses typically covered under homeowner and commercial property insurance policies, policy limitations, navigating the claims process, and business interruption coverage. They also talk about a Jan. 10, 2025, ruling out of the Northern District of California in Bottega v. National Surety which held in a business interruption case that whether smoke damage caused the suspension of operations at the policyholders’ businesses is a genuine issue of fact. Check out our interview with Anderson Kill attorneys Denis Artese, Marshall Gilinsky, and Joshua Gold. They know this area of the law inside and out.

When Chemical Crises Strike with Ed Gentle and Kip Benson

November 12th, 2024|Categories: ELP, Emerging Litigation & Risk, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Soon after emergency response teams scramble into action to address chemical fires, explosions, or other toxic events, attorneys begin gathering and analyzing information either to mitigate corporate risk or to seek remedies for anyone impacted by such an event. Listen to our interview with Edgar C. "Ed" Gentle III and Katherine "Kip" Benson of Gentle, Turner & Benson LLC, about legal activity that goes on in the immediate aftermath of a toxic event. Ed and Kip draw on their deep experience resolving this type of litigation to discuss the flurry of activity that unfolds at law firms and inside legal departments within hours of a disaster.

AI Survival Guide: Best Practices to Mitigate AI Litigation Risk

September 18th, 2024|Categories: Artifical Intelligence, CLE Webinar, Emerging Litigation & Risk|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Organizations using artificial intelligence-based technologies that perform facial recognition or other facial analysis, website advertising, profiling, automated decision making, educational operations, clinical medicine, generative AI, and more, increasingly face the risk of being targeted by class action lawsuits and government enforcement actions alleging that they improperly obtained, disclosed, and misused personal data of website visitors, employees, customers, students, patients, and others, or that they infringed copyrights, fixed prices, and more. These disputes often seek millions or billions of dollars against businesses of all sizes. This webinar identifies recent trends in such varied but similar AI litigation, draws common threads, and discusses best practices that corporate counsel should consider to mitigate AI litigation risk. Our excellent speakers are Jerry Maatman and Justin Donoho of Duane Morris.

Legal Innovation: Choosing the Best AI Tools and Strategies for Success

September 17th, 2024|Categories: CLE Webinar|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

During this webinar, Robinson+Cole's knowledge management professionals Liz Salsedo and Jim Merrifield help you better understand artificial intelligence and generative AI.  Learn about the categories of work in which AI is being applied in the practice of law, e.g., legal research, document drafting, deposition preparation, and discovery review.   Understand the various risks associated with AI, e.g., biased and inaccurate outputs, unauthorized disclosures of private data, and intellectual property infringement.  Get an overview of governmental regulation and guidance. Finally, start your journey to develop best practices in establishing AI governance teams and processes with an eye toward complying with regulations and mitigating risk.  

President Biden’s Critical Infrastructure Cyber Memo and CrowdStrike’s Whoopsie Daisy with Elizabeth Burgin Waller

August 7th, 2024|Categories: ELP, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

In this episode, we discuss our nation's critical infrastructure in the context of cybersecurity, addressing President Biden's recent National Security Memorandum on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience and its implications for sectors like energy, water, and transportation, with guest Elizabeth Burgin Waller of WoodsRogers. Beth also comments on a recent global system glitch that underscores the vulnerability of the networks behind many of our most critical services. We're talking CrowdStrike and Microsoft Windows.

Mitigating Greenwashing Litigation Risks with Ramya Ravishankar

June 21st, 2024|Categories: ELP|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this episode, we discuss mitigating greenwashing litigation risks with guest Ramya Ravishankar, General Counsel at HowGood, an independent research firm that helps the world’s largest food brands meet their sustainability commitments. Listen and learn more!

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