Wednesday | May 9, 2018  |  New York  |  Just $195  |   Register Online

Fundamentally change the way you think about legal marketing. Take a deep dive into both single-event torts and top mass torts with never-before-shared analytics on marketing data and tort claims. 

Marketing changes you must make in 2018 to stay competitive.

Your new marketing vision will help you convert more leads into strong cases.

Stop wasting marketing dollars on ineffective methods and grow your practice.


Scheduled Wednesday morning, May 9 before we kick off our highly regarded Class Actions Mastery and Mass Tort Med School seminars, we present a full morning of practical legal marketing insights based on exclusive up-to-the-minute analysis of invaluable mass tort data. Learn best practices that are proven to grow your practice. Stop wasting time and money. We will help you identify inefficiencies in you marketing programs and replace them with proven, data-driven methods. We will review the history and objectives of various marketing approaches, including what plaintiff firms can learn from Fortune 500 and “direct response” marketers. We will discuss the importance of having best-in-class services for each step in your intake systems. Come with your questions! We want an engaging and productive session.

Steve Nober, Founder and CEO of Consumer Attorney Marketing Group (CAMG), has been a major force in the infomercial industry, Internet services and high tech media space for almost three decades. It is Steve’s aim to stay on the cutting edge of best marketing practices that lead to the highest level of success for his clients at no risk to their ethical standing. As such, he has made CAMG’s proprietary data available to clients at no charge to them with the trademarked Legal Marketing Index. With detailed, in-depth demographic information, spend data, heat maps and more for mass tort and single event practice areas, CAMG is set apart in the industry as the provider of relevant, up-to-date information. It is this type of service that Steve strives for in all areas of the agency.

What this is not:

It’s not your typical legal conference that examines case law.
It’s not a sales pitch.
It’s not a re-hash of what you may have learned from other programs.

What you will learn:

Best practices you can immediately implement at your firm.
Information and insights developed specifically for this event and never presented before.
How to use data analytics to drive your decisions and grow your practice.
Targeting and hyper-targeting methods to reach the people with precision.

Just $195,
but complimentary to paid attendees of Class Actions Mastery and Mass Tort Med School, May 9-11, 2018. Registration for all three events is conveniently located on the same web page.

Register Online

Register by Phone or Email
(484) 844-0437

Who should attend:

Small, mid-sized & large plaintiff firms or practice groups that handle personal injury, medical malpractice or related case types interested in expanding into mass torts and class actions.
Partners and principles at firms who are motivated to grow their practice beyond single-event or single-injury cases, or wish to improve their current marketing efforts to drive more clients for their existing practices.
Law firm staff who are supporting marketing and client-development efforts.


Every attendee will leave with more than 100 pages of reference material including invaluable data on top mass torts to augment what you learn and put your firms on a new path to success. For attorneys specializing in single-injury cases, we’ve got plenty of insights you can take with you, too.


Wednesday, May 9

7:30 | Registration & Breakfast

8:30 | Welcome: Setting the Stage

8:45 -10:15 | Moneyball for Marketing: The Real Details

We will kick off the seminar with a focus on efficiency and how to plan for the year. What is your marketing plan? What big gains can you realize merely through greater efficiency? How can you grow your national mass tort and local single-event cases?

  • How to get and handle a response
  • Effective remarketing
  • Best creative practices
  • Phone number options that work, e.g. vanity, local, and toll free
  • How to track your traffic and workflow
  • Analyzing, reporting and improving results

10:15 | Break

10:30-11:15 |  Essential Elements for Marketing Success Beyond the Marketing: Effectively Processing & Converting Your Calls to Cases

In this segment we will discuss the best methods for converting calls into clients, and keeping them from going to other firms.

  • The breakdown of manufacturer devices after record verification for various mass torts
  • Contracting Process: Contact frequency & Steps to get highest sign and return rate
  • Qualifying your Mass Tort cases: best-in-class screening guides
  • Elements of the perfect mass tort intake packet
  • Top 10 insider steps for conversion maximization
  • Workflow best practices
  • Plus: Medical records Confidential Data Shared
  • HITECH v. HIPAA discussion & data presented answers the most common questions & concerns

11:15-12:15 | Top 10 Mass Torts – A Deep Dive into Data & Analysis for each Litigation

In this segment we will discuss which areas of litigation are trending. Learn what’s in the early stage and which are in more advanced stages, what can you expect as far as injuries, severity, ages, devices implanted, etc., and how to make an informed decision on whether to jump in or stand back.

  • Emerging cases
  • Analysis of all data points collected from qualified injured victims
  • Analyzing opportunities
  • Case criteria
  • Developing intake scripts
  • Making the go/no-go decision

12:15 | Adjourn