Women in Law

January 15th, 2021|Categories: HB Risk Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Western Alliance Bank presents a CLE-eligible webinar Women in Law Becoming the Master of Your Career According to the National Association of Women Lawyers, there has been a "sustained (albeit small) improvement for women amongst equity partners since the survey’s inception in 2006 (15% compared to 19% - 21% in recent years)." "This is a positive trend toward a more representative legal profession, but change at this glacial pace will continue to result in future generations of lawyers entering a profession where women and diverse attorneys are underrepresented in positions of power and influence. A continued, rigorous examination of and changes to existing practices – a movement from talk to action – is needed to speed progress in a meaningful way for women and other underrepresented groups." As women work to advance their careers amid these market and social realities, there is [...]