Kenneth Jones of Tanenbaum Keale on Law Firm Tech Development Capabilities

October 16th, 2018|Categories: HB Risk Notes, HB Tort Notes|Tags: , , |

Should Law Firms Should be Able to Develop Custom Technologies? Here is #10 of Jones' Top-10 List. #10. Security. The cloud is great, and generally speaking, companies in this space operate systems in a highly professional manner. However, occasionally one encounters special business needs which call for extensive “above and beyond” levels of security. This could be times a firm is storing financial information, medical records, or other data they wish to absolutely, positively protect. In these situations — under the theory that “no one does things better than I do” —it’s nice to have the option to build super-secure systems with features such as encrypted data within database tables, and to manage the systems with a very small number of highly trusted professionals specifically known by the law firm. Read more of the article posted by Thomson Reuters. Kenneth Jones oversees various aspects of technology at [...]