Managing Class Representative Discovery: Plaintiffs’ Strategies for Winning Certification

April 4th, 2023|Categories: Emerging Issues Webinars, Featured On-Demand, HB Tort Notes, New Webinars, Tort Litigation, Tort Webinars|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Managing Class Representative Discovery: Plaintiffs' Strategies for Winning Certification Preparing for Discovery Pre-Suit, Negotiating Fair Protocols, Defending Depositions, and Responding To Written Discovery Class representative discovery is an essential component of establishing Rule 23 class certification. Experienced plaintiffs' counsel will need to be well-versed in the many defense strategies for eliciting class representative testimony and discovery that could undermine the claims in a class action lawsuit and challenge class certification. Preparing for discovery begins before the case is filed, and class representatives must thoroughly understand their obligations in the discovery process. Plaintiffs’ counsel must think through and negotiate protocols related to several topics that affect the scope of discovery, including protective orders ESI protocols. Plaintiffs’ counsel must also carefully guide their class representatives through written discovery and depositions, where the class representatives’ responses are critical to the case. Listen as this panel of esteemed class action plaintiffs' lawyers shares strategies on how to best handle class representative discovery and avoid common issues that could present challenges at class certification. David Fernandes Attorney Baron & Budd Phong-Chau G. Nguyen Partner Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein Now On Demand! Recorded: 4/4/2023  90 Minutes What are the most difficult issues for plaintiffs to navigate during discovery? What protocols are the most important? What types of questioning techniques might be anticipated [...]

Virtual Hearings: Changing Perceptions of Executive Testimony?

August 12th, 2021|Categories: Emerging Litigation & Risk, HB Emerging Law Notes, HB Risk Notes, HB Tort Notes, Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Virtual Hearings: Changing Perceptions of Executive Testimony? Abstract Given the newly acceptable ease of securing testimony via webcam—necessitated by the pandemic—this article focuses on efforts to compel the appearance of corporate executives to testify in litigation. While there are many practical advantages to virtual testimony, the authors maintain that mere convenience cannot replace legal standards of relevance and undue burden when pursing the testimony of executives. Authors Sean J. Coughlin ( is a Principal in the Financial Institutions group at Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C., where he represents institutions and individuals in regulatory investigations and defense litigation. Before joining the firm, he was an Executive Director in the legal department at Morgan Stanley, a Managing Director at Citigroup/Smith Barney, and a Senior Assistant District Attorney in the Kings County District Attorney’s office. Jacqueline R. Meyers ( is an associate at Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C., whose practice focuses on securities defense litigation, arbitration, and regulatory investigations. She has specialized experience in litigation concerning arbitrability and enforcement of arbitration awards. About The Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation is a co-production of HB, Fastcase, and Law Street Media. You can also hear the complementary (and complimentary) Emerging Litigation Podcast wherever podcasts appear. For questions, contact Tom Hagy, Editor in Chief, at [...]