Despite Relative Inactivity on the Virtual Front in Ukraine, Russia’s Global Cyber-Attacks are Coming

March 29th, 2022|Categories: Cyber Risk, Cyber Risk Litigation, Emerging Litigation & Risk, HB Emerging Law Notes, Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation, New Featured Post for Home Page|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Editor Tom is HB’s Founder and Managing Director. His career in litigation content spans four decades during which he was editor, managing editor, and finally publisher at Mealey’s Litigation Reports. After Mealey’s was acquired by LexisNexis Tom became a vice president involved in creating new content and services at the legal research and services giant. He has always overseen or directly created articles, blogs, conferences, webinars, data collections, and now podcasts — all on litigation. Tom founded HB in 2008, and four years later he founded Custom Legal Content, a boutique content creation shop serving boutique and specialized legal practices and litigation services. In addition to his work at HB and CLC, Tom is Editor in Chief of the Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation, and host of the Emerging Litigation Podcast. For years he was a leader in an international specialized publishing association, frequently speaking [...]

Is Cyber War the Same as Actual War?

January 31st, 2018|Categories: HB Risk Notes|Tags: , , , , |

If your company suffers a cyber attack attack by a foreign power, is that an act of war? Is it your responsibility or right to retaliate, or is it up to the government? When it comes to missile attacks, it's not up to a corporation to fire back. That's the military's job. But when it comes to cyber defense, the responsibility falls to the corporation. Should it be a shared responsibility? Can we better defend ourselves with an improved cyber defense architecture that is developed by a public-private partnership? General (Ret.) Keith B. Alexander (U.S. Army), Jamil N. Jaffer and Jennifer S. Brunet of IronNet Cybersecurity recently wrote an article on the subject, offering insights based on their deep experience in the intelligence, defense and government sector. Gen. Alexander, among many other posts, was Director of the U.S National Security Agency when he was tapped to head [...]

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