Vince Vitkowsky on Insurance Coverage for Civil Unrest

Civil unrest. Peaceful protests. Massive marches. Riots. Looting.  Which of these things are not like the other? Recent social outrage over police shootings of Black people — these events in particular — have sent people to the streets by hundreds of thousands. In some cases these constitutionally protected activities are followed by property damage, injury and death. Observers continue to debate who is responsible for the violence.  Whatever the answer, as a very practical matter, someone has to pay for the property damage.

Join me for my conversation with Vince Vitkowsky of Gfeller Laurie LLP.  Vince  possesses deep knowledge of insurance coverage matters, representing carriers in a variety of areas, e.g. cyber risk, data privacy, general liability, directors and officers liability, health, and more. He combines his experience as a veteran insurance and reinsurance lawyer with a strong background in terrorism and national security law.

This podcast is the audio companion to the Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation, a collaborative project between HB Litigation Conferences and the Fastcase legal research family, which includes Full Court PressLaw Street Media, Docket Alarm and, most recently, Judicata. If you have comments or wish to participate in one our projects, or want to tell me how insightful and informative Vince is , please drop me a note at

I hope you enjoy the interview, and how deftly we obscured the fact that Vince lives in New York City.

Epiq Class Action Settlement Efficiency

Epiq presents a CLE-eligible webinar Wait Wait ... Don't Settle! Essential elements of effective class action settlements. When it comes to complex class action litigation, once the hard work is done – litigation and settlement – more hard work begins – administering it.  But is the deal really ready? After years of arduous proceedings, discovery, motions, appeals, hearings, negotiations, and more, the scope and structure of your settlement has been drafted. Everyone is in agreement. The hard work of the courts, the attorneys, the legal teams, and the litigants is complete. Now it's time to administer the settlement. Send out notices. Cut the checks. Get people paid. Boom! Sit back and relax. Get a claims administrator to take it from there. But wait … you find out that the terms of the agreement, the promises made, the budget established, and the deadlines calendared are not only inefficient, they are completely unworkable. Now the settlement is in jeopardy. The clients are frustrated. The court is frustrated. And you have a headache. That is a situation you, as a class action attorney, never want to find yourself in. The best way to avoid this quagmire is for attorneys to work with a professional and experienced claims administrator before you agree on settlement terms, someone who has been to this rodeo many, many times before. If you want smooth execution of your claims program, they must be on your team as you pull the pieces of the settlement together, not afterwards. Join us for a complimentary CLE webinar on Thursday, April 8, 2021, for a practical discussion based on Seven Elements of Effectively Settling Class Actions led by a class action litigator turned class action settlement expert, who will moderate a discussion with two highly regarded class action attorneys who have been involved in a number of high-profile complex cases. On Demand | Recorded April 2021 On Demand Registration Included with registration 1+ CLE credits (subject to bar rules). CLE codes are embedded in the video. [...]

Sexual Abuse Litigation and Insurance Coverage

Insurance Coverage for Sexual Abuse Claims  Strategies | Response | Insurance Archeology CLE OnDemand Webinar Sexual abuse claims – such as those involving the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America – have resulted in verdicts and settlements in the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. The Catholic church alone has paid billions to resolve claims. Verdicts in cases involving adult victims are typically lower than those involving children and teens. A December 2021 $44 million verdict to a Texas woman who was raped at a Hilton Hotel in Houston could signal that juries may be more open to larger awards in such cases. While rapists and abusers face accountability under criminal law (and sometimes under civil law as well), businesses and institutions of all shapes and sizes are increasingly finding themselves confronting claims that they bear some of the responsibility for instances of sexual molestation, abuse and harassment. Several standard types of liability insurance provide coverage for such claims. In this webinar the panel discusses the elements of this coverage and the sensitive aspects of such claims. If you answer yes to any of these questions, this webinar is for you:  Is your organization or your clients at risk of facing sexual abuse accusations? Would your organization or your client be insured if sued for sexual abuse? Is your organization or client uncertain as to where their insurance policies are? HB CLE on West LegalEdcenter Get CLE on emerging issues in litigation produced by HB and distributed via the West LegalEdcenter. Courses are available as part of your subscription to the platform. They are also available for individual purchase. Go to West LegalEdcenter Library CLE OnDemand Webinar: Property Insurance Coverage for Emerging Risk of Underground Climate Change w/Artese Podcast 1 of 2 series: Insurance Coverage with Dr. Jaana Pietari and Jim Fenstermacher and Litigation with Bob Chesler. Podcast 2 of 2 series: PFAS Insurance Coverage with Robert D. Chesler [...]

Lien Resolution: Government & Private Plans Get Aggressive (Against Attorneys)

Includes Nearly 75 minutes of insights from experienced professionals. CLE credit: 1+ (subject to bar rules). For CLE questions: The complete Power Point presentation. Continued access to the complete recording for later use. Answers to your questions via email to the presenters or write to HB and we will be sure to contact the speakers. What can you do to settle personal injury suits cleanly and avoid costly litigation and penalties? What recent cases can inform you about protecting your settlements and, as attorneys, yourselves, from post-settlement federal lawsuits? How can your firm set itself up to meet government expectations? What role might experts play in navigating these pitfalls? Medicare Advantage (42 USC § 1395w-22) Federal Medical Care Recovery Act (FMCRA) (42 USC § 2651) Armed Forces Act (10 USC §1095) Veterans’ Benefits (38 USC §1729) Third-Party Collection Rules (32 CFR 537.24; 38 CFR 17.101, etc.) Set-Asides under the Medicare Secondary Payer Act (42 USC § 1395y(b)(2)] On Demand Registration Lien Resolution Government & Private Plans Get Aggressive (Against Attorneys!) On Demand | Recorded September 2020 It is increasingly common these days. Personal injury attorneys settle a case, only to find themselves sued by a U.S. Attorney for failing to reimburse Medicare for conditional payments as required by the Medicare Secondary Payer Act. In some cases the attorney may be required to pay fines in addition to the reimbursements and interest, a costly proposition. Are you up to speed on issues surrounding Medicare Advantage, TRICARE, veterans’ claims, and Medicare set-asides? Join nationally recognized healthcare lien and resolution expert Franklin P. Solomon and go-to lien resolution provider Brett Newman as they offer a practical, in-depth CLE presentation. Franklin P. Solomon, Esq. Attorney & Founder, Solomon Law Firm  A graduate of Rutgers University School of Law at Camden, Franklin Solomon is based in Cherry Hill, NJ, with a practice focused on evaluation, litigation and resolution of healthcare “liens” and reimbursement claims. Mr. Solomon represents personal injury victims and their attorneys [...]

Telepsychiatry: Mitigating the Risks

REGISTER Registration Includes Nearly 90 minutes of insights from experienced professionals. CLE credit: 1+ (subject to bar rules). For CLE questions: The complete Power Point presentation. Continued access to the complete recording for later use. Answers to your questions via email to the presenters or write to HB and we will be sure to contact the speakers. Understand the risks associated with telepsychiatry and how to manage them.  Telemedicine has emerged as an important solution for healthcare in general and psychiatric medicine specifically during the current global pandemic. Remote access for sub-practices including addiction counseling have been commonly used. Our panel of psychiatric professionals who have served as expert witnesses and attorneys who counsel and represent physicians have prepared a 90-minute session to share insights with attorneys, physicians, healthcare providers, risk professionals, and more. Agenda Examining procedures and best practices that exist for ensuring confidentiality in a telemedicine practice How do you draft a telepsychiatric consent form? What is the emerging standard of care for telemedicine? Will the standard of care for telemedicine become a national standard? (Should it?) Review the case law addressing telemedicine or telepsychiatry How do the HIPAA regulations and HITECH privacy laws impact telemedicine? How have the HIPAA regulations and HITECH privacy laws been relaxed during the pandemic? Will the relaxed HIPAA and HITECH regulations impacting telemedicine continue past the pandemic? Which technical platforms are preferred? Which ones to avoid? Panelists Mark Levy, M.D., Medical Director at fpamed David Kan, M.D., UCSF Psychiatry Department and the California Society for Substance Abuse Medicine Ayesha Ashai, M.D., associated with fpamed Stephen M. Fatum, J.D., Partner, Barnes & Thornburg LLP Angela W. Russell, J.D., Partner, Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP Meet our physician and attorney panelists. Mark Levy MD Medical Director fpamed Dr. Levy is a graduate of Columbia College (A.B. 1967) and the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.D. 1971) in New York. He is a Physician [...]

Maximizing Insurance as Climate Change Intensifies

HB presents an Anderson Kill webinar on-demand MAXIMIZING INSURANCE RECOVERY AS CLIMATE CHANGE INTENSIFIES As weather-induced disasters continue to intensify, maximizing insurance coverage after major storms, floods, wildfires, and other natural cataclysms is an essential survival skill for any business. In this session, attorneys who have successfully litigated property, business interruption and contingent business interruption claims from Hurricanes Katrina through Ida, along with wildfire and other major disaster claims, walk participants through all phases of insurance recovery, from buying the right policies to pursuing claims with persistence and awareness of pitfalls, to litigating successfully when necessary. Specific lessons from Hurricanes Sandy (2012), Harvey (2017) and Maria and Irma (2020) will be addressed. Topics: Developing a pre-storm preparedness plan, including mitigation efforts, assembly of a claims team, and insurance coverage review; Moving quickly to protect property from further damage, performing all emergency repairs, and documenting all losses in detail; Preparing and presenting well-supported property damage claims; Recognizing and including business interruption losses and extra expense outlays; Highlighting policy interpretation issues that affect the scope of available coverage; Outlining strategies for pursuing claims and incentivizing the insurance company to resolve them with due speed. On-Demand Registration Includes 1+ CLE credits (subject to bar rules). CLE codes are embedded in the video. CLE questions? Insights from experienced professionals. The complete PowerPoint presentation. Continued access to the complete recording for later use. Answers to your questions via email to the presenters, or write to HB. Meet the Panel Finley Harckham Anderson Kill Finley is a senior litigation shareholder in the New York office of Anderson Kill and serves on the firm's Executive Committee. Finley regularly represents and advises corporate policyholders and other entities in insurance coverage matters. He has successfully litigated, arbitrated and settled hundreds of complex coverage claims. His areas of particular focus include property loss, environmental, business interruption, directors and officers liability, construction, professional liability, aviation liability, cyber and general liability claims. [...]

Class Certification After Olean v. Bumble Bee with Jonathan Rubin of MoginRubin LLP

Featured Speaker Jonathan focuses his practice exclusively on antitrust and competition law and policy. As a litigator, he has led trial teams in major antitrust cases in courts throughout the country. As a thought-leader in competition law, he has published in influential academic journals and has spoken to numerous professional groups, including the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission, the Antitrust Section of the American Bar Association, the University of Wisconsin, and the American Antitrust Institute. Jonathan has also made several appearances before congressional committees. More About Rubin For more information please email Tom Hagy Explore more from MoginRubin LLP! Blog: Emboldened by New Resources and Expanded Authority, Feds Continue 10-Year Look Back at Chinese Investment. By Dan Mogin, Jonathan Rubin, Jennifer Oliver, and Timothy LaComb. List OnDemand CLE Webinar: The Antitrust Case Against Google. Dan Mogin, Jonathan Rubin, Jennifer Oliver, Timothy LaComb, John Newman, Dr. Alan Grant Blog: FTC’s Case Against Facebook Will Test the Flexibility of U.S. Antitrust Law.Authors: Jonathan Rubin and Jennifer Oliver, MoginRubin LLP Blog: Full Ninth Circuit Removes Unwarranted Hurdles to Class Certification. Journal: Policy Derailed: Can U.S. Antitrust Policy Toward Standard Essential Patents Get Back on Track by Jonathan Rubin Webinar: Class Certification After Olean v. Bumble Bee with Jonathan Rubin, James Bogan lll, Jonathan Cohn, Bradley Hamburger. Journal: FTC v. Amazon: Market Definitions and Section 5 of the FTC Act Podcast: Algorithmic Software Facilitated Price Fixing with Jonathan Rubin Plus, additional insights from the MoginRubin Blog. Class Certification After Olean v. Bumble Bee Expert Testimony, Uninjured Class Members, and Article III Standing  This CLE course will discuss the ramifications arising from the Ninth Circuit’s en banc decision in Olean Wholesale Grocery v. Bumble Bee Foods, 31 F.4th 651 (9th Cir. 2022) (en banc), addressing numerous important class certification issues. The program will address Olean’s critical holdings regarding the evidentiary burden under Rule 23, how expert testimony should be assessed at the class certification stage, and the relevance of injury and Article III standing to assessing Rule 23’s predominance requirement and [...]

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