A Special Episode: A lovable litigator with Danny Karon

October 8th, 2021|Categories: ELP, Emerging Litigation & Risk, HB Emerging Law Notes, HB Tort Notes, Tort Litigation|Tags: , , , , , |

A Special Episode: A lovable litigator with Danny Karon For  30 years attorney Daniel R. Karon has successfully represented plaintiffs and defendants in class-action and individual lawsuits. He's also chair of one of the leading class action conferences for lawyers, judges and law professors: the American Bar Association National Institute on Class Actions. He's passionate about educating up-and-coming lawyers. He teaches and writes extensively, and has been featured on podcasts and television news shows.   While practicing law (handling some intensely serious matters), Danny became acutely aware of "a societal bias against access to justice where people who need justice the most often get it the least." One response to that was to launch Your Lovable Lawyer, a multi-media website whose goal is to "make  justice more accessible to people who don’t know, can’t find, or can’t pay for lawyers." He endeavors to provide actionable [...]