June 18, 2020
2:00 pm ET
60 mins.
CLE: 1+
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Professor Edward L. Queen Ph.D. , J.D.
Director Ethics and Servant Leadership: Emory Center for Ethics
Emory University

Organizational Values & Coronavirus Business Risks
Properly Balancing Stakeholder Concerns

Thursday, June 18, 2020 | 2pm ET | 1pm CT | 12pm MT | 11am PT 

The pandemic brings with it complex liability concerns, stakeholder demands and legal duties.  We will take a closer look. 

The current pandemic confronts businesses, nonprofit organizations, governments, and the legal profession with innumerable ethical challenges.  Management issues and liability concerns, stakeholder demands and legal duties become even more complex in an environment of uncertainty and one where the consequences could result in serious illness or even death.  This program seeks to engage the participants in thinking through these challenges and developing processes of ethical response to them.  Managers must acknowledge and address the framework of fear associated with the pandemic, ranging from fear of contagion and death to fears of unemployment, child care, and the duties of home-schooling.  Additionally, as the economy reopens there must be serious attention to the processes of doing so, including:

We will address:   

  • Appropriate accommodation for high-risk employees or employees with family members who are at a heightened risk;

  • Attention to means of mitigating transmission and infection;

  • Contact tracing and management of data collected, including health data, as well as responses to employees who refuse to report;

  • Duty to avoid discrimination and stigmatization;

  • Developing plans to address possibility of re-occurrence in the fall and managing possible outbreaks in company’s offices.