The Authors

Robert Chesler
Robert CheslerAnderson Kill
Robert D. Chesler ( is a shareholder in Anderson Kill’s New Jersey office and is a member of the firm’s Cyber Insurance Recovery Group. He represents policyholders in a broad variety of coverage claims against their insurers and advises companies with respect to their insurance programs.
Dennis Artese
Dennis ArteseAnderson Kill
Dennis J. Artese is a shareholder in Anderson Kill’s New York office and chairs the firm’s Climate Change and Disaster Recovery Group. Both are members of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal.
The Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation
Emerging Litigation Podcast
Emerging Litigation PodcastProduced by HB Litigation and Law Street Media
Interviews with leading attorneys and other subject matter experts on new twists in the law and how the law is responding to new twists in the world.

The ESG Police Have Arrived:
Is Your Insurance Ready?

“ESG has become a major initiative for corporate America. In particular, the environmental prong of ESG calls for companies to institute sustainability goals and to invest in environmentally friendly companies. This emphasis has both economic and popular support. Environmental sustainability will make companies better able to compete and make their businesses less risky.”

Abstract: The environmental, social, and governance movement is a positive one, but like many well-intentioned efforts there is room for abuse and risk. As corporations endeavor to earn accolades and good will for “doing the right thing,” they must also be certain they truly are. In this article the authors discuss increased government scrutiny, the attendant risks of implementing and reporting on ESG initiatives, insurance coverage implications for directors and officers, the pollution and other exclusions, the potential civil fines and penalties, and what companies can expect in the era of ESG.