The Medical Monitoring Tort Remedy: Advanced Level
Better understand the foundational aspects of building and administering a PFOA chemical medical monitoring program, including the mechanics of a) building a budget and b) program administration.
Medical monitoring is a claim most often asserted in toxic exposure claims, including those associated with PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) exposure, a substance with allegedly harmful, but latent, symptoms. It’s essential to understand how to build and administer a PFOA medical monitoring program in any medical monitoring tort remedy.
This webinar is designed for attorneys and other professionals practicing in the area of Medical Monitoring who wish to better understand the foundational aspects of building and administering a PFOA chemical medical monitoring program, including the mechanics of a) building a budget and b) program administration. The objectives of this course are to help you understand how to become skilled at building and administering a PFOA medical monitoring program, from beginning to end. Attendees will come away with an understanding of the mechanics of building a budget, the advice and actions to take to establish a strong claim for relief, and key criteria to take into consideration in a medical monitoring tort remedy.
Key Learning Outcomes:
- Gain an understanding of the mechanics of building a PFOA medical monitoring program budget.
- Learn about the expert medical advice needed to establish a linkage between the toxin and the disease and recommend types of testing.
- Learn how to add an epidemiological component up front.
- Learn about matching a dynamic malady with a dynamically evolving monitoring program with guidance from a science advisory panel.
- Learn more about the importance of:
- Administration mechanics;
- The value of participant time;
- Use of a retail model;
- Following one step, not two;
- The use of local medical services; and
- Planning ahead to administer to out-of-area claimants.