An on-demand CLE-eligible webinar

Safeguarding Against Financial Exploitation  

America’s senior population is growing. Nearly one in five U.S. residents will be 65 or older in 2030. Which means the average age of U.S. investors is climbing too. With that comes the risk that they will be exploited by people with access – or gain access through nefarious methods – to their investment portfolio. Seniors and vulnerable persons lose billions of dollars each year. Remarkably, 90% of the people to take advantage of senior investors are members of their own family. Attorneys who represent senior clients need to know the signs of vulnerability, red flags that their clients are being exploited, what laws apply, and rules lawyers must follow in these matters.  

Questions our speakers answer:

  • What is senior / vulnerable investor exploitation?  
  • Who is protected by state and federal laws?  
  • How prevalent is senior financial exploitation? What do the numbers tell us? 
  • What is the pace of financial abuse SAR filings by securities firms? 
  • What are the most popular scams?  
  • What is diminished capacity? 
  • What are the red flags indicating possible exploitation? 
  • What are the laws, rules, and regulations governing law firms? 
  • What are some best practices for law firms? 
  • How can firms best protect their senior clients?  
Blue image of money.

On Demand CLE Webinar

What You Get

  • PowerPoint and supplemental materials.
  • Complete recording for later review.
  • Answers to your questions via email.
  • Invitation to contact speakers.
  • 1.5 CLE credits (for licensed attorneys).
  • CLE assistance.*

*Subject to state bar rules. For licensed attorneys. 

Meet the Speakers

Joseph Calabrese
Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C.

A 1991 Graduate of St. John’s University Law School, Mr. Calabrese brings 30 years of practice and 18 years of Securities Litigation/Regulatory experience to his role as principal in the New York office of  Bressler, Amery & Ross’s Financial Institutions Group. He began his career as a Wall Street litigator as an associate general counsel for Citigroup’s Smith Barney and later served as an executive director and senior member of the Wealth Management Client Litigation Group at Morgan Stanley, where he ran the Early Dispute Resolution Group for seven years.

He spent the first 13 years of his career as a prosecutor with the Kings County D.A.’s Office in Brooklyn, NY, the majority of that time, as a senior assistant district attorney in the Homicide Bureau. His areas of practice include financial institutions, financial institutions advisory practice, financial institutions enforcement defense, financial institutions litigation and arbitration. He is the co-head of the Pro Bono Committee and a member of the firm’s Senior & Vulnerable Investor Group. 

Logan S. Fisher
Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C. 

Logan Fisher is a Principal of Bressler, Amery and Ross. His practice is primarily devoted to representing and advising financial services professionals including broker-dealers, financial advisors, registered investment advisors, private equity, crowdfunding and other financial services professionals. Logan frequently represents broker-dealers and registered representatives in securities litigation, including customer-initiated complaints with self-regulatory organizations such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

He has successfully handled numerous arbitrations involving a variety of claims, including fraud, misrepresentation, unsuitability, unauthorized trading and churning. Logan also has experience counseling individual financial advisors regarding Form U4 and U5 disclosures. In his securities regulatory practice, Logan has represented broker-dealer and registered investment advisor clients in a variety of state, SEC and FINRA investigations. He has also counseled registered investment advisor clients concerning required disclosures under Form ADV. 

Angela Turiano
Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C.

Angela Turiano represents brokerage firms and individual registered representatives in customer and employment arbitrations and litigation, as well as regulatory matters. Angela has worked as in-house counsel for two major securities firms, and thus understands, from an internal perspective, the highly specific needs of her clients. Highly respected throughout the financial services industry, Angela is an active speaker in the securities community, including speaking engagements at the SIFMA Annual Compliance and Legal Seminar, the New York State Bar Association, the American Conference Institute, and the renowned NYU Stern School of Business, all of where she has lectured on the latest trends in securities litigation.

Angela is also an active member of Bressler’s Senior and Vulnerable Investor Group, where, in addition to advising and defending her clients with regard to senior issues, designs and conducts training and supervisory education programs on how to avoid regulatory and litigation risk in this space.