
Emerging Litigation Podcast

Antiracism and Antitrust with Eric Cramer

Our Guest Eric Cramer is Chairman of the Firm and Co-Chair of the Firm’s antitrust department. He has a national practice in the field of complex litigation, primarily in the area of antitrust class actions. He is currently co-lead counsel in multiple significant antitrust class actions across the country in a variety of industries and is responsible for winning numerous significant settlements for his clients totaling well over $3 billion. Mr. Cramer is also a frequent speaker at antitrust and litigation related conferences and a leader of multiple non-profit advocacy groups. He was the only Plaintiffs’ lawyer selected to serve on the American Bar Association’s Antitrust Section Transition Report Task Force delivered to the incoming Obama Administration in 2012. Antiracism and Antitrust with Eric Cramer Among the legal and regulatory avenues one might follow to mitigate the impact of racism, most of us would look to various manifestations of discrimination law in  employment, lending, real estate, education, healthcare, voting rights, and other categories. When presented in those contexts, the anti-racism objectives are clear.  There are several federal laws and many state laws that prohibit anticompetitive behavior.  At the top of the heap is the Sherman Antirust Act of 1890, which outlaws illegal monopolies and anticompetitive tactics, conspiracies to restrain trade, cartels and syndicates.  But what do wages, including those paid to minorities, have to do with antitrust? What about no-poach agreements, whereby groups of companies agree not to hire employees away from each other?  The answer is "quite a lot." Listen to my interview with Eric Cramer, Chairman of Berger Montague and co-chair of the firm's antitrust department, a team that handles antitrust class actions across the country involving a variety of industries.  Eric and the firm are responsible for winning numerous significant settlements for clients -- a total value that now exceeds [...]

Cannabis Coverage Litigation with John McDonald and Jihee Ahn

Our Guests John B. McDonald is an experienced litigator practicing in the Seattle and New York offices of Harris Bricken, where he represents clients in complex commercial, insurance, and partnership matters. Prior to joining Harris Bricken, John spent two years in Seattle with the Office of Chief Counsel, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (a component agency of the Department of Homeland Security), and five years in New York City at O’Melveny & Myers LLP, where he managed several cases. John graduated from the University of Miami School of Law, where he was an editorial member of the University of Miami Law Review. He also served as a research assistant for Professor Charlton Copeland on civil procedure and constitutional issues. Jihee is an experienced complex commercial litigator and chair of Harris Bricken’s Dispute Resolution/Litigation practice. She primarily represents clients in business, intellectual property, and real estate matters for both domestic and international clients. Having worked extensively in both federal and state courts, Jihee advises her clients from case intake through arbitration and trial. Over the course of her career, she has successfully prepared and argued numerous procedural and substantive motions, regularly conducted and defended depositions, and mediated disputes when appropriate for her clients. Prior to joining Harris Bricken, Jihee worked at Baker & Hostetler in Los Angeles, where she served as the lead attorney on several cases and mentored junior associates. Jihee graduated from the UCLA School of Law with a Business Law and Policy Specialization, and she served as a research assistant to Professor Sung Hui Kim on securities regulation issues throughout her third year of law school. Prior to relocating to Buffalo, Erin spent the bulk of her career to-date in Boston, where she worked in stewardship at Harvard University and as a consultant for nonprofits of all sizes. Cannabis Coverage Litigation: [...]

Takeaways from the SEC’s $100M Fine Against FinTech Lender BlockFi

Our Guest Brad is a partner in the Greenville, South Carolina, office of Nelson Mullins Riley and Scarborough where he chairs the firm’s Financial Services Regulatory Practice, leading a team of attorneys in a national practice representing clients in financial regulatory and FinTech matters. He is a valued member of the Editorial Board of Advisors for the Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation, a companion to this podcast. Takeaways from the SEC's $100M Fine Against FinTech Lender BlockFi So, apparently this is true:  Running a lending operation without registering with the SEC makes them crabby. Spoiler Alert: On Valentine’s Day this year the SEC announced a $100 million fine against retail crypto lender BlockFi Lending. Nothing says "will you be mine?" like a nine-figure bill -- for  that special someone who has everything. The company agreed to put an end to some of its offers and sales, and to get to work bringing itself into compliance with, you know, the law, like the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940. So, what does the SEC want companies to do?  What remedies does the SEC have for unregistered securities offerings?  What impact will this have on private litigation? Is there a risk that BlockFi Interest Account investors will have claims against BlockFi? Want to find out? Listen to my interview with attorney Brad Rustin. Brad is a partner in the Greenville, South Carolina, office of Nelson Mullins Riley and Scarborough where he chairs the firm’s Financial Services Regulatory Practice, leading a team of attorneys in a national practice representing clients in financial regulatory and FinTech matters. This is Brad’s third appearance on the podcast! He spoke on one episode about the Impact of the Russia Sanctions on Global Financial Markets, and on another popular episode on the Gamification of Stock Trading. Brad is [...]

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White Label Critical Legal Content for your organizationSara is marketing director at a boutique law firm. When we asked her how their blog was going, she made a sad face. But then, we made Sara smile.*

Critical Legal Content was founded by Tom Hagy, former Editor & Publisher of Mealey’s Litigation Reports and VP at LexisNexis, founder of HB, current litigation podcaster and editor-in-chief. CLC’s mission is to help smaller firms and service providers not only create content — blogs, articles, papers, webinars, podcasts (like the stuff on this site) — but also to get it out there. How? Via social media, this website, your website, and potential via our podcast and journal which we publish in collaboration with vLex Fastcase and Law Street Media. The goal is to attract readers and dizzy them with your brilliance.

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Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation

Overconfidence: A Risky but Pervasive Phenomenon in Litigated Disputes

The Author Jeff Trueman (jt@jefftrueman.com) is an experienced, full-time mediator and arbitrator. He helps parties resolve a wide variety of litigated and pre-suit disputes and interpersonal problems concerning catastrophic injuries, wrongful death, professional malpractice, employment, business dissolution, real property, and domestic relations. Jeff is a past Director of Dispute Resolution for the Circuit Court for Baltimore City where he oversaw over 70 retired judges and senior attorneys conducting over 1,500 mediations, settlement conferences, and neutral evaluations per year. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, an invitation-only membership organization consisting of some of the most successful commercial mediators in the world. Interviews with leading attorneys and other subject matter experts on new twists in the law and how the law is responding to new twists in the world. Overconfidence: A Risky but Pervasive Phenomenon in Litigated Disputes “Lady Justice symbolizes fairness and impartiality as she oversees the adjudication process. Although she may hold the scales of justice in one hand, she also carries a large sword in her other hand. And she’s blindfolded. Knowing that, how confident should you be?”  Abstract: “Overconfidence” may have negative connotations, but it can be beneficial in competitive situations like litigation where parties compete for resources. Nonetheless, posturing and overconfidence of opposing parties and counsel are common frustrations felt by lawyers and claims professionals. Most litigants fail to see themselves as overconfident even though that can result in miscalculations and erroneous risk assessments. Litigants can employ techniques to improve decision making but sometimes going to trial is considered the right decision for reasons that are considered more important than whether the result is better than the last settlement demand or offer. In addition to focusing on legal and financial threats that are external to themselves, litigants might also consider threats of their own [...]

Despite Relative Inactivity on the Virtual Front in Ukraine, Russia’s Global Cyber-Attacks are Coming

Editor Tom is HB’s Founder and Managing Director. His career in litigation content spans four decades during which he was editor, managing editor, and finally publisher at Mealey’s Litigation Reports. After Mealey’s was acquired by LexisNexis Tom became a vice president involved in creating new content and services at the legal research and services giant. He has always overseen or directly created articles, blogs, conferences, webinars, data collections, and now podcasts — all on litigation. Tom founded HB in 2008, and four years later he founded Custom Legal Content, a boutique content creation shop serving boutique and specialized legal practices and litigation services. In addition to his work at HB and CLC, Tom is Editor in Chief of the Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation, and host of the Emerging Litigation Podcast. For years he was a leader in an international specialized publishing association, frequently speaking and writing about publishing, and is now active in an open community of content and event producers called Renewd. Sometime during the last millennium Tom proudly graduated with a B.A. in Communications from Bethany College in West Virginia. Interviews with leading attorneys and other subject matter experts on new twists in the law and how the law is responding to new twists in the world. Despite Relative Inactivity on the Virtual Front in Ukraine, Russia’s Global Cyber-Attacks are Coming Since his cyber-war capabilities seem to have worked well for him, why isn’t Vladimir Putin launching more cyber-attacks against Ukraine and its allies? Reports suggest he didn’t think he’d need them, plus they take time to execute. Other reports suggest he is trying to get some cyber damage on the scoreboard. Maybe the actual disruption to Ukraine from tanks and bombs, even though the Ukrainians aren’t giving him the satisfaction of a clean and easy parade-style invasion, could be redundant. But [...]

Tanks and Banks: What Fintechs Must Know About Sanctions on Russia

The Guest A highly regarded attorney and much-sought-after speaker for his expertise on the laws and operations of the technology-driven global financial system. Also a member of the Editorial Board of Advisors for the Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation. Interviews with leading attorneys and other subject matter experts on new twists in the law and how the law is responding to new twists in the world. Tanks and Banks: What Fintechs Must Know About Sanctions on Russia Tom Hagy Interviews Brad Rustin of Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough Click below to get the complete article.

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