High-Asset Divorce Litigation 

Let’s assume this is good news. The divorce rate appears to be coming down. Either people are more committed to these unions or have succumbed to lifetimes of misery. But the common belief — that “50% of all marriages end in divorce” — doesn’t enjoy statistical support. Six percent of people who divorce get back together, so that’s something, too.  

According to Monster.com, the rate is higher among people working in fading industries, like certain machine operators. Despite frequent coverage of Hollywood breakups, they don’t mention entertainers, other than dancers and choreographers, who don’t fare well in marriage. Lawyers, in general, do not have a particularly high divorce rate.

For insights into high-asset divorces, listen to my interview with Robert D. Boyd and Kimberli C. Withrow  of Boyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery.

Bob Boyd is a widely recognized leader in the practice of high-net-worth divorce litigation and contested custody cases. He is a former prosecutor and a U.S. Army Ranger and Paratrooper.  Education: J.D., West Virginia University (Editor-in-Chief, West Virginia Law Review); B.A., United States Military Academy at West Point.

Kimberli Withrow has 16 years’ experience representing clients in family law matters. She has served as trial counsel and hearings involving divorce, child custody, and child support matters.  Education: J.D., Emory University School of Law; B.A., Duke University.Speaking of which, this podcast is the audio companion to the Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation. The Journal  is a collaborative project produced by HB Litigation Conferences and the Fastcase legal research family, which includes Full Court Press, Law Street Media, and Docket Alarm. The podcast itself is a joint effort between HB and our friends at Law Street Media. If you have comments or wish to participate in one our projects, or want to tell me how much you learned today – or if you’d like a copy of John’s and Jihee’s article — please drop me a note at Editor@LitigationConferences.com.

This podcast is the audio companion to the Journal on Emerging Issues in Litigation. The Journal is a collaborative project between HB Litigation Conferences and the Fastcase legal research family, which includes Full Court Press, Law Street Media, and Docket Alarm. The podcast itself is a joint effort between HB and our friends at Law Street Media. If you have comments or wish to participate in one our projects please drop me a note at Editor@LitigationConferences.com.

Tom Hagy
Litigation Enthusiast and
Host of the Emerging Litigation Podcast

P.S. I don’t know why, but at some point I believe I mentioned chihuahua’s as a form of currency, and then something about Bezos. I’m sure it made sense at the time. It’s more likely, however, that it didn’t.

Our Guests

Robert Boyd
Robert BoydBoyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery
Bob Boyd is a widely recognized leader in the practice of high-net-worth divorce litigation and contested custody cases. He is a former prosecutor and a U.S. Army Ranger and Paratrooper. Education: J.D., West Virginia University (Editor-in-Chief, West Virginia Law Review); B.A., United States Military Academy at West Point.

For more than 15 years, he has been selected by the Best Lawyers of America in the area of family law.

Kimberli Withrow
Kimberli WithrowBoyd Collar Nolen Tuggle & Roddenbery
Kimberli Withrow has 16 years’ experience representing clients in family law matters. She has served as trial counsel and hearings involving divorce, child custody, and child support matters. Education: J.D., Emory University School of Law; B.A., Duke University.